Auzhó – Adaptive yoga teacher

Classes coming soon
En ligne
Restorative and Chair Yoga
A gift for you : access to free recorded classes
Start your practice nowWhat is adaptive yoga?
Yoga that adapts to you, not the other way around. Yoga isn’t just āsanas (poses and movement), it goes beyond, it encapsulates your whole life. Adaptive Yoga is a practice that adapts to your abilities and goals, it connects you back to your breath, your body, while quieting the mind, releasing tension, and bringing forth the energy inside and around you. It’s not about being flexible and achieving anything: the practice is to let go and just be.
Practise in a chair, mat, bed or couch. No equipment or experience needed.
“Can you imagine what it would be like to have your yoga teacher celebrate your differences? It would offer validation, a sense of being seen, and a feeling of belonging. It would lay the groundwork for transformational acts of self-acceptance and self-love.”
Jivana Heyman
Is it for me?
Yes! My classes are specifically designed with you in mind:
- Disabled, Chronically ill, long illness
- Anyone with chronic, acute or persistent pain, fatigue, stress…
- Seniors
- Neurodivergent
- Anyone with impaired mobility (including if temporary e.g. injury)
- Folks with anxiety, depression, burn-out…
- On bed rest
- Anyone who wants a gentle practice
Adaptive Yoga is for everyone. Classes and support groups are open to all, regardless of physical and cognitive abilities, race, age, background, gender identity, or romantic/sexual orientation.


Why should I practice adaptive yoga?
- Access: the practice adapts to you, your abilities, constraints, goals, surroundings – so you will never be left again in a lurch cos such or such movement or meditation is inaccessible to you.
- Connection: to yourself, your true nature, to a community. The yoga practices are all designed to lead us back home to ourselves.
- Rest: give your body and mind a rest, lean into softness, and create joy.
beautiful experience
Ali M.
Awesome class, awesome instructor! Really liked that she said at the end about yoga – what it is not and what it can do. Thank you Pride Our Way for making this happen. It was really a beautiful experience to have received your class.
Doing Yoga with Audrey was a great experience. She has a really calm style of teaching Yoga and teaches Yoga in a way so that it is accessible for everyone. Especially for me, as a disabled person and a wheelchair user it was great to just be a able to participate. Thank you again for the great class! I can recommend the classes from Auzhó Yoga!
Audrey’s classes are very accessible and welcoming. The practice can be adapted and you can go at your own pace depending on your health at any given time.
It’s refreshing to find an inclusive space where yoga is accessible and there is no pressure to practice in a specific way. Audrey’s teaching is calming and encouraging. I highly recommend giving the class a try.